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This article explains the basic operation of the BitBrowser Synchronize System, for further information, please refer to: Guide(Video), Q&A
The BitBrowser Synchronize System was born to facilitate the synchronous operation of the window synchronize system for the BitBrowser users. The main functions are as follows:
By setting a master browser window, all mouse and keyboard events in the master window can be synchronized to multiple controlled windows, which can serve multiple purposes.
All browser windows can be synchronized, including: window arrangement, tab page, simulated input of the same text, simulated input of different text, one-key recognition of verification codes, etc.!
Mouse event delay synchronization function (random delay time can be set), random number input function, interval setting of text simulation input speed and other functions.
According to actual needs, you can switch between the English version of synchronize system and the Chinese version of synchronize system in the upper right corner of the synchronize system page. You need to restart the synchronize system when switching, as shown below:
Click (1) to add browser profiles, select (2) and click (3) to add controlled profiles to left panel as below.
As shown above: (1) shows all controlled browsers.(Note: Only control selected browsers). (2) shows browser open status, tag blue for opened browsers and grey for not. (3) shows close buttons, click to close browser windows you want.
As show above, right click on controlled list and then click "Delete Selected Browsers" will delete the selected browsers from controlled list, click "Clear Browsers" to delte all.
As shown above, there are 3 ways to open controlled browsers:
1. Open by BitBrowser app, the open status will automatically updated to list. 2. Dbclick a controlled browser to open. 3. Right click on list, open selected browsers or all browsers.
Note: To open multiple windows, you can set the "Batch Open Interval" via "Settings" interface. In order to ensure the stability of the synchronize system, please make reasonable settings according to the performance of the computer! The computer performance is good, the interval value can be smaller, the computer performance is poor, please set the interval value larger!
As shown above, there are 3 ways to close controlled browsers:
1. Close the browser manually, the status will automatically updated to list. 2. Click close button on list to close specific browser. 3. Right click on controlled list, click "Close Selected Browsers" or "Close All Browsers".
Set Master Control: Most of the control synchronization operations need to be set to the master control before they can be carried out normally (because many control synchronization operations need to use the master control as the reference object). As shown by (1), after selecting a browser in the controlled list, click the right mouse button and select "Set Master Control" in the pop-up menu, and the icon shown by (2) will appear on the right side of the master control browser!
Set Controlled Browser: In the list of controlled browsers, only the checked browsers will be executed for synchronization operation, and the unchecked browsers will not! Remember to check the browsers that need to perform synchronize system synchronization operations!
As shown above, click "Start" button to start synchronous operations, all checked browsers in the controlled list will synchronize the mouse and keyboard operations of the master control window; click the "Pause" button to stop the above synchronization operation.
Note: When you start synchronous operation, the controlled list connot perform any operatioins in order to prevent the stability of synchronous operation from being disturbed, includes: add/delete/check/uncheck/open/close browser.
As shown above, Box1 display synchronization items, Box2 set commonly used shortcuts, please click Save button to save these updates.
As shown above, to "Operation", switch to "Browser Synchronization":
Browser Operation:
Activate Window: activate all controlled windows to the top and display them
Unified Size: Unify the length and height of the controlled window to the same size as the main control window
Overlap Window: Unify all controlled windows, regardless of coordinates or window size, to be consistent with the main control window
Minimize All: Minimize all controlled windows to the taskbar. You can click "Activate Window" to reactivate and display them at the top.
Adaptive Arrangement: shortcut keys can be set. After clicking, all controlled windows will no longer be sorted according to the custom-set window size, but will be arranged adaptively according to the screen size.
Lattice Arrangement, Diagonal Arrangement:
Arrange all controlled windows in a grid and diagonal manner. If you click "Adaptive Arrangement", lattice arrangement and diagonal arrangement will not be performed.
Tab Operation:
Unified Label: Unify the tab page URLs of all controlled windows to be exactly the same as the main control window
Close All: Close all tabs of all controlled windows.
Close Current Tab: Close the tab opened by the current window
Close Blank Tab: Close all open tabs
Refresh Current: refresh the current tab page of all controlled windows
Force Refresh Current: force refresh the current tab page of all controlled windows
Currently Open : In all controlled windows, open the URL you set in the current tab.
Add Open : In all controlled windows, create a new tab to open the URL you set.
As shown in the picture above, click "Operation" on the main interface, and then click "Text Synchronization".
This function means: automatically sending text input instructions to the browser, and automatically simulating text input according to the input speed you set.
This function is divided into: Same Text Input, Difference Text Input and Random Number Input .
Same Text Input: that is, input a piece of text with fixed content. Difference Text Input: mainly used for website account registration and other needs. It can generate left text and right text with different contents for each controlled window. Each window can be input Different left text and right text!
You can enter the content you want to simulate in the text input box, and the input box supports line feed input.
Input: Simulate the content in the input box in front of the button into all controlled windows.
Clear Text: Clear the text content in the input box
Paste Clipboard To Browser: Paste the contents of the system clipboard into all controlled windows
Supports importing left and right text and exporting left and right text according to template format;
Generate Left Text, Generate Right Text, Input Left Text, Input Right Text, you can set the characters, number, length and other rules of the content to be generated according to the generation settings.
As shown in the figure above, right-click the mouse in the window list to pop up the menu, and click "Export Left And Right Text" to export the left and right text in the current window list.
Random Number Input: The default value is 0-100. You can enter a number with a decimal point. After clicking "Enter", different numbers will randomly appear in each window within the range of the entered number.
Clear Input Box: In all controlled windows, clear the content of the input box where the current input focus is.
Checking "All input functions, clear the original content before inputting" means: after checking, in the window text input box, when executing simulation input again, clear the input box first, then clear it before inputting.
The above functions work on same text input, difference text input and random number input.
As shown above, to "Operation", switch to "Enter Verification":
Select master browser window on "Specify Browser" as (1) shown. Click "Positioning Range", in the pop-up positioning window, use the mouse to select the location area where the verification code is located and save.
Click "Test" as (2) shown, the system will take a screenshot of each controlled window according to the area you positioned above, then save the screenshot to the specified folder, and pop up the folder. It is used to refer to whether the location of the verification code area is reasonable. If it is reasonable, please proceed to the next step. If it is not reasonable, re-position it.
Select a platform as (3) shown, input your account and password, the default "Verification Code Type" is 1010 which is suitable for 1-10 bit english and numbers, if it does not meet your needs, please click the "More Types" button for more informations.
Click "Get Verification Code", the system will automatically identify the verification code through the platform according to the area you locate in each controlled window, and return the result to the "Returns" list.
After get all returns, click "Enter Verification Code", enter the verification code identified in list into all controlled windows. Please make sure that the verification code input box of each controlled window is in the state of input focus.
Log Location: You can click the "Open" button to view the log storage location
Batch Opening Interval: The default setting is 500 milliseconds, which can be set according to actual needs. It refers to the interval between opening each window when opening the window. It is recommended not to set it too long.
Sync Keyboard Operation, Sync Mouse Operation, and Sync Mouse Tracks: means that after checking, other controlled windows can also perform keyboard, mouse and other operations like the main control window when synchronization is turned on.
Start Sync Auto Minimize: If checked, the synchronize system page will automatically minimize to the taskbar after starting synchronization.
Start Sync Show Floating Window: as shown in the figure below, check this option, and after starting synchronization, the floating window in the figure below will be displayed. The floating window includes shortcut functions such as the number of windows being synchronized, stopping synchronization, restarting synchronization, browser synchronization, text synchronization, enter verification, mouse delay, and adjusting the main control window.
Text Simulation Input Speed Setting: Customize a numerical interval. When the window performs text simulation input, different interval milliseconds will be randomly generated within this interval, so that each window will randomly generate different interval milliseconds. Perform text simulation input. This feature will work on same text input, differential text input, random numbers, etc.
Mouse Event Delay Time Settings: The default is off. When turned on, the mouse synchronization operation will randomly generate different time intervals to execute mouse events according to the set time interval. This function will work on mouse clicks, selections and other events.
Note: After opening, when executing multiple mouse operation events in a window, do not operate multiple events together. You need to wait for one mouse event to be executed in all windows before proceeding to the next one. Otherwise, delayed synchronization may be unstable!
Custom setting shortcut keys, support modification
Setting the number of display items per line, you can set the number of items per line in the preview window, which can be viewed on the homepage
Restore Default Settings: After clicking, all set parameters on the current settings page will be restored to their default values.
Save: On the current setting page, all modified parameters need to click "Save" to take effect.
As shown above, set the number of preview window thumbnails displayed in each row, and click "Preview" button to preview the latest screen of all controlled windows! Double-click a thumbnail to pop up an enlarged image.
Click "Save Screenshots" to save all the screens in the current preview window to the specified folder, and pop up the folder!