Basic Features of Phone Profile
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Red Box 1:
Add Profile: Click the [Add] button in the upper right corner to create a phone profile. For detailed instructions, refer to [Add Phone Profile].
Click the drop-down triangle icon to access the [Batch Import] and [Batch Update] functions. For details, refer to [Batch Update] and [Batch Import & Export Profiles].
Computing Power: Purchase monthly computing power and access its basic features. For details, refer to [Computing Power Basic Features]!
Red Box 2:
Search Function: Click [Advanced] in the upper right corner to search by name, group name, type, and other criteria!
Red Box 3:
API Documentation: The API interface documentation for the cloud phone profile. Those who need it can click to view.
Script Marketplace: If you need scripts or have script requirements, feel free to publish them here!
Adjust Phone Window Bounds: Rearrange phone profile windows and adjust their size.
Customize Columns: Customize the columns to be displayed in the selection list.
Batch Export : Export multiple cloud phone profile data to local storage. For detailed instructions, refer to [Batch Import & Export Profile]!
Batch Update Group: Update the group of multiple cloud phone profiles simultaneously.
Batch Update Remarks: Update the remarks of multiple cloud phone profiles simultaneously.
Batch Update Proxy: Update the proxy settings of multiple cloud phone profiles simultaneously.
Batch Delete Profiles: Delete multiple cloud phone profiles simultaneously. Proceed with caution!
Red Box 4: When the cloud phone profile is starting, you can click here to shut it down and stop billing.
Red Box 5: Edit the cloud phone profile.
Red Box 6: More functions, including closing and deleting the profile.
Red Box 7: Set frequently used functions.