Custom Extensions
Add your local extensions to system. The extension will be loaded when you enable it.
Note: The custom extensions will not sync to bit server, and also disabled to other accounts, if you want publish your extension, contact our customer service.
Way 1: Add from chrome web store
To chrome web store(https://chrome.google.com/webstore) and find your extensioin with default chrome, get detail url and copy it.
To "Extensions", click "From Google Store", enter the extension detail url and detect, save after success.
Enable the extension, all your browsers will load this extension after browser opened. And the opening browser need to be relaunched.
4.The button displayed in the red box is the update extension button, which can be clicked to update the extension to the latest version.
5.As marked in the red box, click on the "triangle icon" in the extension to synchronize the current extension status (open, closed) to the employee account.
6.Box1 is the extensions you added, box2 is the offical provided.
Way2: Add local extension
To "Extensions", add "From Local", select the extension root dir and save.
Search extensions
To "Extensions", filter by category, status and name.
Last updated