Browser Profiles
add, update, delete browser and other operations.
Create a browser profile, the fingerprint object is mandatory.
When creating a profile with a random fingerprint object, simply pass an empty object {} and leave the fingerprint values empty to generate them randomly.
Note: Windows 7/8/Win Server 2012 no longer support kernel versions 109 and above. Therefore, for the aforementioned systems, please specify coreVersion as kernel version 104 to prevent issues where the profile cannot be opened when specifying kernel version 112.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
groupId | String | when add browsers by a sub user, groupId is required. |
platform* | String | a url, eg: |
platformIcon* | String | default is hostname of platform url. |
url* | String | open urls when launch, multiple separated by commas |
name* | String | browser name |
remark* | String | remarks |
userName* | String | platform user name |
password* | String | platform user password |
cookie | String | json string cookies |
proxyMethod* | Int | proxy method, default is 2, 3 is extract ip |
proxyType* | String | proxy type, one of ['noproxy', 'http', 'https', 'socks5', 'ssh'] |
host | String | Host |
port | Int | Port |
proxyUserName | String | proxy user name |
proxyPassword | String | proxy user password |
ip | String | ip |
country | String | country code |
province | String | state/provice code |
city | String | city code |
browserFingerPrint* | Obect | browser fingerprint object, refer to |
abortImage | Boolean | not loading img, default is false. |
stopWhileNetError | Boolean | stop opening while net error, default is false |
dynamicIpUrl | while proxyMethod is 3, provide a extract url | |
dynamicIpChannel | String | rola | 922 | doveip | cloudam | luna | ipidea | pias5 | common |
isDynamicIpChangeIp | Boolean | default is false |
syncTabs | Boolean | Sync browser tabs, default is true |
syncCookies | Boolean | Sync cookies, default is true. |
syncIndexedDb | Boolean | Sync IndexedDb, default is false. |
syncBookmarks | Boolean | default is false |
syncAuthorization | Boolean | Sync saved passwords, default is false |
syncHistory | Boolean | default is false |
ipCheckService | String | ip lookup service, default is ip-api. options: ip-api | ip123in | luminati,luminati is just for luminati |
allowedSignin | Boolean | Allow sign in to browser, default is true. |
clearCacheFilesBeforeLaunch | Boolean | Default is false |
clearCookiesBeforeLaunch | Boolean | Default is false |
clearHistoriesBeforeLaunch | Boolean | Default is false |
randomFingerprint | Boolean | Random browser fingerprint before launch each time. |
disableGpu | Boolean | Default is false |
muteAudio | Boolean | Default is false |
abortMedia | Boolean | not autoplay and payload videos, default is false |
workbench | String | localserver or disable,default is localserver |
isIpv6 | Boolean | IPv6 or not, default is false. |
isGlobalProxyInfo | Boolean | use global settings of these proxy. iphtml,oxylabs,lumauto,ipidea |
syncExtensions | Boolean | default is false |
syncUserExtensions | Boolean | Sync extensions data accross browsers. |
credentialsEnableService | Boolean | not pop up autofill anymore, default is false |
syncLocalStorage | Boolean | default is false |
refreshProxyUrl | String | proxy rotate url |
isValidUsername | Boolean | According to the platform, username, password, check for duplicates, it's valid at the time of creation. |
disableTranslatePopup | Boolean | Disable browser pop-up for Google Translate, default is false. |
abortImageMaxSize | Int | While abortImage is true, set to prohibit loading images larger than a specified size. |
stopWhileIpChange | Boolean | Stop opening while ip changed, default to false. |
stopWhileCountryChange | Boolean | Stop opening while the ip country changed, default to false. |
disableNotifications | Boolean | Disable notifications popup, default to false. |
disableClipboard | Boolean | Prevents websites from accessing clipboard content for enhanced security. |
Modify profile and fingerprint specified field values, supporting bulk modifications.
Only pass the fields that need to be updated. For example, if you want to update the 'name' field, only provide the 'name' value.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
ids* | Array | Collection of profile IDs to be updated. When updating a single profile, provide a single ID, for example: ["abd8fd953d3641a0915865a09b8d99ba"]. |
browserFingerPrint | Object | Fingerprint object - pass the corresponding fingerprint fields to be updated. If no adjustments are needed, simply use an empty object {}. |
name | String | This is an example field. For the fields you want to update, provide the necessary values; there's no need to pass values for fields you don't want to update. |
Open a browser by id, returns ws and http debug address, and coreVersion and chromedriver path
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | |
args | Array | launch args, eg: ["--headless"] |
queue | Boolean | Open the profile in a queue to prevent concurrency. |
Close a browser
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String |
Reset browser closed state
This interface is used only after an abnormal window closure. If the window is not opening due to a status of "opening" or "closing" when reopened, you can use this interface to reset the window state to "closed." Ensure that the window is actually closed before using this interface.
Name | Type | Description |
| string | Required, browser profile's ID |
Delete a browser
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String |
Get browser profile's detail
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
id | String |
Get browser profiles list
Note: page start from 0
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
page* | Int | page, start from 0 |
pageSize* | Int | max is 100 |
groupId | String | |
name | String | |
remark | String | |
seq | Int | browser profile's seq |
minSeq | Int | min seq, do not use with seq |
maxSeq | Int | max seq, do not use with seq |
sort | String | Sorting filed, default is "desc", options: desc | asc |
Reset browser window bounds
Note that, except for the 'type' parameter, all other parameters must be of integer numeric type. Please refer to the 'windowbounds' object below as an example.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
type* | String | box | diagonal |
startX* | Int | default is 0 |
startY* | Int | default is 0 |
width* | Int | min is 500 |
height* | Int | min is 200 |
col* | Int | |
spaceX* | Int | Horizontal spacing, default is 0 |
spaceY | Int | Vertical spacing, default is 0 |
offsetX* | Int | Horizontal offset, default is 0 |
offsetY* | Int | Vertical offset, default is 0 |
seqlist | Array | Array of profiles indices to be arranged. If not provided, all windows will be arranged. |
screenId | Int | Display screen ID needs to be arranged on which monitor, just pass the monitor ID. The specific monitor ID can be obtained through the /alldisplays interface. |
Adaptive window arrangement
Note that except for 'type', all other parameters must be of integer type. Refer to the following 'windowbounds' object.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
seqlist | Array | Array of window indices to be arranged. If not passed, arrange all. |
batch update browser profile's group
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
groupId* | String | |
browserIds* | Array | profile ids |
Batch update browser's proxy
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
ids* | Array | browser ids |
ipCheckService* | String | options: ip-api | ip123in | luminati, default is ip-api |
proxyMethod* | int | options: 2 | 3, default is 2, 3 is extract proxy ip |
proxyType | String | noproxy|http|https|socks5|ssh, default is noproxy |
host | String | |
proxyUserName | String | |
proxyPassword | String | |
dynamicIpUrl | String | extraction link |
dynamicIpChannel | String | extraction provider, options: rola|ipidea|deoveip|cloudam |
isDynamicIpChangeIp | Boolean | default is true |
isGlobalProxyInfo | Boolean | default is false |
port | Int | |
isIpv6 | Boolean | default is false |
Batch update remarks of browser profiles
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
browserIds* | Array | |
remark* | String |
Close browsers by seq
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
seqs* | Array | browser seqs you want to close:[101, 103, 105] |
Close all opened profiles
close all opened profiles, no params.
Get opened browser's pids
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
ids* | Array | browser profile ids |
Get all alived browser's pids
Delete browser profiles by ids, up to 100, delete completely includes cache files.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
ids* | Array | profile ids |
Clear browser cache files
Note: will clear local cache files and cloud files.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
ids | Array | profile ids collection, like ['sdsdflk32dsdkl232l3ldsldk3kdksdk'] |
Get all opened profile's remote-debugging-port
Proxy detection API can be used to query proxy information and check the availability of proxies.
Note that if the IP needs to be used under a global proxy, global proxy settings must be enabled.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
host* | String | proxy host |
port* | String | proxy port |
proxyType* | String | Choose one among noproxy, socks5, ssh, http. |
proxyUserName | String | |
proxyPassword | String | |
checkExists | Int | Check if the ip used in system, 1 or 0 |
Random fingerprint value - provide the profile ID, generate a random fingerprint once, and return the fingerprint object.
Note that it doesn't return the browser object, only the fingerprint object.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
browserId* | String | browser profile id |
Clear cache without extensions and extension's data
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
ids | Array | profile ids |
Get all displays
Get all screen displays, no request data.
Run RPA task
Name | Type | Description |
| string | RPA task ID. Copy it from the RPA management interface, specifically from the edit RPA task section. |
Stop RPA task
Name | Type | Description |
| string | RPA task ID. Copy it from the RPA management interface, specifically from the edit RPA task section. |
It will automatically delay inputting the text from the clipboard into the focused input field on the page. Note: There must be a focused input field on the page, otherwise, input will not be possible.
Name | Type | Description |
| string | Browser profile's ID |
| string | The browser tab url |
Read local excel file
Name | Type | Description |
filepath | string | Required, the excel file's path, eg: C:\Users\User\Downloads\abc.xlsx |
Read the content of text-based files, such as JSON, TXT, and other text files.
Name | Type | Description |
filepath | string | Required, eg: C:\Users\User\Downloads\abc.json |
Set real-time cookies for the opened profile
Name | Type | Description |
browserId | string | Required, browser profile's ID |
cookies | array | The array of cookies to be set must follow the standard cookies format. Please refer to the appendix for details. |
Retrieve real-time cookies for the opened profile
Note that real-time cookies may change continuously, so the values retrieved in two separate instances might differ.
Name | Type | Description |
browserId | string | Required, browser profile's ID |
Clear cookies. Supported in client versions 7.0.2 and above
This interface can clear cookies from local cache regardless of whether the window is open. Cookies synchronized to the server are controlled by the saveSynced
field, with the default being to clear both local and server-side cookies.
Name | Type | Description |
browserId | string | Required, browser profile's ID |
saveSynced | boolean | Whether to retain cookies synchronized to the server from the window. The default is |
Format the given cookie
Name | Type | Description |
cookie | string | array | The given cookie data may be in the form of an array, string, etc. |
hostname | number | The |
Windowbounds object
browserFingerPrint Object
Last updated